Friday, May 23, 2008

The Harris Family

Hi everyone! I decided to set this up so y'all can come to this site and see pictures of all of us and see what we are up to. I hope you save this site to your favorites and check it for updates every now and then.

Kaylee is a princess. SHE thinks she is a diva! Her favorite things to do are: play in the sprinkler, watch Elmo's World videos, run around in the grocery store, when mommy and her put on make-up together, and working on the dirt bikes with daddy. She loves to carry her purse and blankie where ever she goes. She loves dresses, necklaces, watches and anything that has "Rella" on it (short for Cinderella)...she is such a girly, girl. She is in the process of mastering eating with a fork, drinking for a normal cup, and dressing herself. We are just starting the potty schedule. She hasn't quite mastered that yet.

Since Kaylee has been born, Justin and I have had many stressful moments in our house. We are starting to learn how to parent together and work together to get everything done. I would have to say that I am very proud of us! We are doing great for now, until she throws us another curve ball. All in all, I am completely in love with our little family! The crying, the laughter, the time outs, the cartoons, when we spend the afternoon playing with in the backyard, swinging at the park, and our love and respect for each other seems to be our life. It isn't perfect, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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